Friday is normally my day off. It's the day of the week when my teaching partner comes to the classroom, takes over, and gives me a little time with my own kids. My kids' school district does an early release every Friday, so it's nice that I get to be home when my kids come home early. I spent the morning sewing with my daughter's second grade class. Then, at dismissal, I picked up 9 eager Girlscouts to come to my house for some Friendship Fun! Our theme this week was friendship, and since I've been sewing Friendship Stars, I decided that the girls should make their own Friendship Stars. I had originally planned to help the girls sew their own pillows, but at 8:00 on the night before, I just ran out of steam. Watercolor paints to the rescue!!!

We used a crayon resist method to paint our Friendship Stars on watercolor paper. I sketched the block onto the watercolor paper ahead of time. The girls chose a crayon to do their outline. I asked them to use a heavier line around the border and around the star. Then we painted.

We used a crayon resist method to paint our Friendship Stars on watercolor paper. I sketched the block onto the watercolor paper ahead of time. The girls chose a crayon to do their outline. I asked them to use a heavier line around the border and around the star. Then we painted.